Creatures πŸ‘ΉπŸ›΄

πŸ“ Rolling Project Log

December 10, 2018

A sequential log of project steps

I will update this as the project progresses

  1. Write down ideas for app
  2. Start researching creating an android app and options for embedded device
  3. Research scooter options
  4. Decide to re-purpose phone for on-board scooter device
  5. Discover automate app for android
  6. Test out automate app
  7. Order scooter
  8. Start testing out using AWS for hosting
  9. Move personal site to AWS
  10. Complete AWS server less tutorial
  11. Start creating Cloud formation templates for AWS structure of app
  12. Further brainstorming and testing of AWS
  13. Start on website front end using react-create-app
  14. Decide on using bootstrap for framework
  15. Remove stickers and residue from scooter
  16. Paint grip tape
  17. Create rough mockup of site
  18. Upload site S3
  19. Discover AWS Amplify
  20. Use Amplify to re-upload site and connect with a Coginto user pool
  21. Added FAQ
  22. Added start ride page β€” imported stopwatch, QR Reader projects
  23. Learned about React router useful guide
  24. Discover Serverless Framework and compared with Terraform
  25. Serverless boilerplate
  26. Created test backend api with Serverless - following this guide
  27. Fixed application flows
  28. Create ride timer element:

  29. Updated API so that scooters can request self check status
  30. Ordered Project Box
  31. Attached Project Box to scooter
  32. Designed Logo
  33. Added Handle bar Bracket
  34. Designed First Creature - zI
  35. Finished Splash Screen Illustration
  36. Finished creature sketches
  37. Finished draft of frontend
  38. Research starting a LLC
  39. Start Gatsby Project Blog β€” using starter blog
  40. Host Blog on GitHub Pages
  41. Registered Domain Name -
  42. File LLC
  43. Fix FrontEnd bugs and make site more mobile focused.
  44. Attempt to crack BLE communication on electric scooter
  45. Add GPS Tracking to Site
  46. Recieved LLC Papers
  47. Got Particle Electron
  48. Got other electronics parts, accelerometer, gps, protoboard, optoilolator
  49. Ordered esp8266
  50. Put together minimal effort option, created wiring diagram, automate flow
  51. Tested minimal effort option with bread board setup.
  52. Created wiring diagram for embedded option.
  53. Assembled embedded option.
  54. Created hardware repo.

Joshua Sheridan

A blog about Creatures an open source scooter share project
Started by Joshua Sheridan